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June's Listing to Sales Statistics Are In!

Blog by The Sheikhy Team | July 8th, 2013

These are the Sales to Listing Ratios and the Official Market Type for detached homes in these vicinities:


Central Lonsdale 17.65% [17 listings, 3 solds] Balanced Market
Upper Lonsdale 25.64% [39 listings, 10 sold] Sellers Market
Upper Delbrook 11.76% [17 listings, 2 sold] Buyers Market
Canyon Heights 8.06% [62 listings, 5 solds] Buyers Market
Edgemont 12.12% [33 listings, 4 solds] Buyers Market
Forest Hills 21.05% [19 listings, 4 solds] Sellers Market

The Sales Ratio is the percentage of the current Active Listings divided by the number of homes that have Sold.

Want to know what the current Ratio and Market Type is in your neighbourhood?
Call us and we'll tell you! 604-638-0770.
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